I have a steye in my ... Left Eye.
My eye is swollen.
I spent an hour and a half at CVS trying to choose a remedy.
Nothing is working.
On a much brighter and less disgusting note, I picked a Halloween costume!

Watch out Liza!
AlSO. SMU just flew out the window yesterday. As did my happiness.
I thought I would be able to start fresh, from scratch, no classes, no college credits.
Therefore, no transcripts. WRONG.
I was quite persistent after that news... and was actually able to speak with the Dean of UNT...
of which I owe $5,466.15 directly.
Long story short, I was really sick my freshman year, was in teh hospital for a week, and still sick after. Didnt take out loans I promised to... forgetting about the short term money the school loaned me.
I did my best to stick it out during my freshman year... having no knowledge that I could withdraw midsemester.
Apparently had I given up and done that, the school could write off my debt and grades...
but nope. I was a trooper. It bit me in the ass.
Live and learn, right?
"I get by with a little help from my friends.."
Jules is helping me budget.
Hampton is helping me start an etsy store, and having craft night w me so I can stay productive.
I will hopefully pay this off, and then I can go to school!
***I am accepting donations***
I am off to Luke's Eric Roberson sign making party.

Labor in exchange for food and beer. Brilliant.
Of course I'll work for food.
love, taylor.
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